Dear Friends,
Hello. We are Kurt & Kate Long of Edna, Kansas.
After retiring from careers spanning over 30 years, we made the decision to leave the Kansas City area and move to the family farm (CEROKWA) in 2011. City life had provided us with what we needed, but we yearned for returning to “small town America” and fulfilling our dream of living the country life. Besides caring for our many animals which include horses, cows, goats, chickens, kitties and our beloved farm dog, Cowboy, more importantly, we have grown in our faith. God has blessed us with so much, and because of His grace we are now focused on giving back.
We love singing together and we’ve been able to do that with the help of a dear friend accompanying us on the piano. We have taken Christian programs to surrounding assisted living and nursing home facilities where we cherish interacting with the residents there. We’ve also sung as part of our wheelchair ministry presentations in churches and honored some of our dear departed friends at their funerals. We always enjoy sharing special music at churches and feel humbled to be invited to do so.
It was in 2012 that we met a special person named Chris Lewis at a conference we attended. He is the son of the late Jerry Lewis, actor & Muscular Dystrophy Telethon host. Chris spoke from his heart about the desperate need for mobility in the world and how providing free wheelchairs to poor children and adults was answering their prayers. We knew that day that we wanted to follow Jesus’s call for us to help. And we have travelled every year since (with the exception of 2020 -2022 because of the Corona virus) with Chris and his team to deliver wheelchairs. We even raised the funds for one of those trips through a civic organization we belonged to.
In addition to delivering wheelchairs, we also travelled to India where we had the opportunity to deliver polio drops to precious babies and children.
Our hearts were so touched by seeing and touching the lives of people who could not help themselves, that we began praying for God’s guidance – and for Him to reveal His will for us in helping His poorest children who are hidden from our sight. After our third trip to Mexico, we felt God’s call to share our passion for serving the poor and needy in underdeveloped countries – where help is not available or governments are so corrupt that help sent does not reach those in most need. That’s when we got the idea for starting an organization to help.
So, in 2017, we founded God’s Faithful Servants, a non-denominational, charitable organization devoted to bringing Christians together to serve the poor and needy of the world. Our inspiration came from experiencing the gratefulness of recipients and their families when we took missions to poor and needy people. Our initial mission project was in support of the American Wheelchair Mission where we focused on raising funds to organize a first God’s Faithful Servants wheelchair delivery to physically and mentally disabled children and adults in Mexico to answer their prayers for mobility. With the completion of our first major fund raiser – HEARTS “FIRE held in June 2022, we have met that goal! And we added a community project – raising funds for a therapeutic riding scholarship for a precious child with disabilities at our local Horses of Hope Therapeutic Riding Center.
Since its inception, God’s Faithful Servants has given the gift of mobility to hundreds of people in the world.
All the while, we have discussed and wondered about how God’s Faithful Servants might be able to better serve the needs of people in the United States, and more specifically in our own community. However, since we are not life-long residents of the area, we realized we lack the depth of knowledge of the people in need of assistance. God spoke to us again, and we took the steps to incorporate and apply for our 501(c)(3) classification. We have grown to now have a Board of Directors which includes several life-long residents who do know the people and the needs in this area, and we are excited to expand our fundraising efforts to include them with future projects.
“We will continue to raise funds to provide the freedom of mobility and a better quality of life for people unable to help themselves - locally, nationally and internationally. To learn more about what we are doing, please click on the “Projects” link above. We’d love to have you join our team!”
We pray for God’s Faithful Servants to be an avenue for our brothers and sisters in Christ to share their love with those in need.
In Christ,
(Kurt, Kate & Cowboy)
Retired Army Ranger / University professor / College Football Official / amateur singer. Loves to bow hunt & fish, living his dream with the love of his life on a family farm in Southeast Kansas.
Retired Speech & Theatre professor / amateur singer / farm girl & horse enthusiast. Loves chickens, kitties & “Baby” - her bottle raised cow, trail riding, and working / playing alongside her soul mate. Enjoying being back on a farm again.
Trusted farm friend providing unconditional love, playfulness and entertainment on the farm. Always a captive audience when listening to his mom & dad sing, praising God together, but confused as to whether to protect the animals (1/2 Great Pyrenees) or herd them (1/2 Border Collie)! Always happy.
“Here I Am Lord”
“In the Time That You Gave Me”
“Leave It There”
“Amazing Grace – My Chains Are Gone”
“Bow the Knee”